Eureka Springs JEEP JAM helps make a difference. Our Charity for 2025 is Peterson Outdoors Ministries. 100% of the proceeds are donated to this wonderful organization.
Amputee and those with Disabilities Day at Lodge of Hope First Responder Retreat and Appreciation Day. LA County Sherriff’s Department. First Responder Retreat and Appreciation Day. First ever National Military Men’s Encounter Festival of Hope Festival of Hope Festival of Hope Festival of Hope Festival of Hope Heroes hunting for Hope veterans deer hunt Heroes hunting for Hope veterans deer hunt Heroes hunting for Hope veterans deer hunt Heroes hunting for Hope veterans deer hunt Heroes hunting for Hope veterans deer hunt Whistling Wings Veterans Waterfowl hunt Whistling Wings Veterans Waterfowl hunt Whistling Wings Veterans Waterfowl hunt This is the accessible wheel chair ramp and deck for veterans housing at Lodge of Hope This is the accessible wheel chair ramp and deck for veterans housing at Lodge of Hope This is the accessible wheel chair ramp and deck for veterans housing at Lodge of Hope
Our JEEP JAM event made some of this possible for our VETERANS and FIRST RESPONDERS through registration, donations and attendance last year. Our family of JEEPERS raised over $95k for Peterson Outdoors Ministries… 100% of the proceeds go directly to . Below is a list of what YOU helped make happen….THANK YOU!
-We hosted 9 Military Chaplains and their families for a 3 day Turkey Hunt and Retreat. Monies helped with travel expenses for the Military Chaplains and their families, license purchases, food, lodging, activities, and utilities.
-Amputee Day at Lodge of Hope where we hosted about 50 Amputees and their family members. Expenses covered were food, lots of activities costs we had like Axe Throwing, Petting Zoo, Face painting etc..
-First Responder Retreat where we hosted First Responders from California, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri for a 3 day retreat and appreciation day for First Responders and their families. We covered travel expenses for First Responders, speakers, food, lodging, lots of activities (Axe Throwing, Face Painting, Petting Zoo, Build a Bear, Boat rides) and utilities.
-First Ever National Military Men’s Encounter at Lodge of Hope where close to 30 veterans attended a 3 day retreat. We covered some of the food expenses, activity costs, as well as building maintenance and cleaning to get the lodge ready for the event.
-Festival of Hope (Our yearly event where we invite the public to see Lodge of Hope and participate with their families in a day of fun, food, activities, banquet, auction, and more) Expenses helped make this event possible. Several hundred people attended including many veterans and their families from around the 4 state area. Monies helped purchase the two big tent rentals, travel expenses, materials costs, food, etc..
-Heroes Hunting For Hope Veterans Deer Hunt. We hosted 9 veterans and several spouses at Lodge of Hope. They came from 6 different states and we covered all travel expenses, food, lodging, licenses, utilities ).
-Whistling Wings Veterans Waterfowl Hunt. We covered all travel expenses and hunting licenses for 6 veterans from several states.
-We were able to help update the wheel chair accessibility of the Nashville House by putting in a wheelchair ramp and deck allowing better access for veterans with disabilities.
Those are just a few of the bigger events. We did numerous smaller events where we hosted veterans and their families at the Lodge of Hope as well as put on fishing events several times a month.
Thank you so much for what the JEEP JAM has done for Peterson Outdoors Ministries and especially for our Veterans and First Responders.
Tron Peterson – Peterson Outdoors Ministries Director
POM is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization that provides faith based outdoor recreational therapy for injured and recovering Veterans, and their families, as well as youth and adults with disabilities or terminal illness.